South Aegean Development Agency
Development agencies; It provides financial and technical support to the actors of the region in the areas specified in the regional plan and programs, the annual work program and the relevant application guides in order to accelerate the development process of the region it is responsible for and to realize activities that are critical for the region.
South Aegean Development Agency Supports:
- Direct Activity Support
- Call for Project Proposals
- Guided Project Support
- Interest-Free Loan Support
- Interest Support
- Technical Support
GEKA can organize these programs and provide support to the actors of the region through programs.
Direct Activity Support;
The aim of the Direct Activity Support Program is to provide financial support for strategic research, planning and feasibility studies targeted to make contribution to local/regional development, and improve the implementation capacity of regional progress and plans. The Direct Activity Support Program apparently complies with legislation and is undertaken in the frame of national plans and programs.
Direct Activity Support Program supports activities that do not contain any investment component. The time duration for the projects financed under this program is maximum three months. The three month implementation phase begins just one day after contract is signed.
Municipalities, universities, other public institutions, professional organizations with public institution status, Non-Governmental Organizations, Unions and Cooperatives are only institutions/organizations that can benefit from Direct Activity Support Program.
Technical Support;
The purpose of the technical support to be provided by the Agency is to provide technical support to the operations of local actors which have importance for the regional development however, owing to the difficulties that have been encountered during preliminary and implementation stages due to lack of institutional capacity.
Beneficiaries from Technical Support:
- Local authorities and union of local administration,
- Universities, vocational schools, research institutes,
- Other state institutions and organizations,
- Professional organizations with the status of public entity
- Non-governmental organizations.
No direct financial support is given to the beneficiary organization within the scope of technical support. The agency provides these supports within the framework of the available budget and personnel opportunities, mainly by its own personnel. In case of necessity, technical support can be provided through service procurement.
Call for Project Proposals;
Project call for proposals; It is the invitation of potential applicants whose qualifications are clearly determined within the scope of a specific support program to submit a project proposal in accordance with the pre-determined subject and conditions. Call for proposals is a type of direct funding support.
During the call for proposals, information meetings are held to inform potential applicants about the support program. The Agency can also organize training sessions and workshops for potential applicants to help them prepare projects according to the procedures and principles set out in the application guide.
The purpose and priority areas of the call for proposals are determined in the light of the goals and strategies determined in the regional plan and programs, and the applications made to the program are evaluated accordingly.
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