Agriculture And Rural Development Support Institution
The TKDK is a grant support program provided by the European Union to bring the production conditions of our citizens living in rural areas to European Union standards. TKDK supports many projects within the scope of IPARD programs with grant incentives.
What is IPARD?
IPARD is the rural development component of the “Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance” created by the European Union to support candidate and potential candidate countries.
IPARD aims to support the harmonization preparations and policy development within this scope for the implementation and management of the European Union’s common agricultural policy, rural development policy and related policies.
What is the Scope of the IPARD Program?
In the provinces where the program is implemented;
“Within the scope of “Investments for Restructuring Agricultural Enterprises and Reaching Community Standards” measure; Supporting dairy agricultural enterprises and meat producing agricultural enterprises,”
“Within the scope of the measure “Investments for Restructuring the Processing and Marketing of Agricultural and Fishery Products and Reaching Community Standards”; Supporting the processing and marketing of milk and dairy products, the processing and marketing of meat and meat products, the processing and marketing of fruits and vegetables, the processing and marketing of fishery products,”
“Supporting the establishment of Producer Groups”,
“Within the scope of the “Diversification and Development of Rural Economic Activities” measure; Diversification and development of farm activities, economic development of local products and micro enterprises, development of rural tourism and aquaculture will be supported.”
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