The precautions and activities we have carried out as Nazilli Chamber of Commerce since March 2020, when the pandemic was officially announced in our country, are as follows;
As Nazilli Chamber of Commerce, we have fully implemented all the circulars published by the Presidency and Ministries within the scope of pandemic measures and regularly announced to our members.
We made 116 news and announcements about the precautions and restrictions on the website of the Chamber and other social media.
We provided 41 written and visual information about the loan packages and supports implemented due to the pandemic.
First of all, we took our institutional measures…
We have updated our working hours until the normalization process begins, so as not to disrupt the services we provide. In order to reduce contact inside the building, we switched to a rotating working system for the staff, and we built counters suitable for sheltered social distance outside the service area. We have switched to an appointment system integrated into all units. For the health of our members and employees, we brought a turnstile system with mask recognition and thermometer camera at the entrance to the building.
Even during the pandemic period, we continued all our meetings on online platforms without delay. We conduct our training online.
Help and Support
In this process, Nazilli Chamber of Commerce, within the scope of the agreement between TOBB and Banks; While creating loan opportunities for its members in return for the resources allocated from its own budget, it became a solution partner in the use of loans and supports through its Kosgeb representative and investment consultancy unit.
We gave Disinfectant Stands free of charge to our members, public institutions and organizations, especially in the service sector, where the risk of covid -19 contamination is more intense. During the pandemic process, we supported the district health directorate teams and social assistance groups with our corporate vehicles and staff.
Mask Distribution
We have distributed masks free of charge since May 5th so that our members do not have to be in trouble, and we continue to distribute them. In this sense, we are one of the first professional organizations in our country to distribute masks to their members.
We Provided Vaccination Support to Our Chamber Members
As the Nazilli Chamber of Commerce, we offered our members the opportunity to vaccinate in the Chamber Service Building after our meetings with the Nazilli District Health Directorate for the covid-19 vaccine applied within the scope of the new type of coronavirus measures.
We distributed Tablet PCs with Keyboard as part of training aid
A total of 135 alcatel brand 1T10 model keyboard tablet computers were purchased by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and Nazilli Chamber of Commerce to be distributed to primary school students who could not receive basic education due to impossibilities, although they had to take distance education within the scope of pandemic measures. These were delivered to Nazilli, Bozdoğan, Yenipazar, Sultanhisar, Kuyucak, Karacasu and Buharkent District Directorates of National Education.
Developments We Contribute to Through Lobbying
As NTO, we contributed to the production of solutions for extremely important issues and problems for the commercial lives of our members with our news and initiatives at the highest level.
On March 15, we drew attention to the need for financial support for small and medium-sized businesses. We forwarded the report we prepared on what needs to be done to TOBB. As of March 18, the “Economic Stability Shield” program was put into use.
We have received many feedbacks from our members that there is a problem in the application for a Business Continuation Loan. We carried out a study to determine the situation. We conveyed the information of our companies applying for loans to the Ministry and received positive feedback.
Eximbank-KGF cooperation: We suggested that Eximbank TL rediscount credits be used with KGF guarantee, and this practice was started shortly after.
Breath Credit (2020): Breath Credit, to which we provide a significant amount of support as the Chamber, was also activated.
Taxpayer over the age of 65: In our statement, we emphasized that a special permit system should be introduced for those who are taxpayers and over 65 years old, and we held meetings with the relevant authorities. With the announcement of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on May 28, taxpayers over the age of 65 were exempted from the restrictions. Within this study; We have printed a member ID card in order to eliminate the grievances of our members over the age of 65 due to the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic and to enable them to continue their commercial activities.
Water of Life Loan; Necessary meetings were held with the Ministries, Aydın deputies and our parent organization TOBB for a loan that our individual members negatively affected by the pandemic can also benefit from. As a result of our negotiations, the Water of Life Loan was implemented through Halkbank.
Credit facility is provided for members who have not completed one year in their commercial life. New businesses that have just started their activities and have not completed one year were also able to benefit from the Water of Life loan. To date, we have received the most requests from our members; Businesses that did not complete one year were also allowed to apply for loans.
Exemption for Production and Export Sector: In line with the demand from our members operating in the food and domestic products sector, necessary meetings were held with the Ministries, Aydın deputies and our parent organization TOBB to exempt our members from weekend restrictions. Owners and employees of companies engaged in production and manufacturing were exempted.
Breath Credit (2021): We held a meeting with the branch managers of Ziraat Bank, Halkbank, Türkiye Vakıflar Bankası, İş Bankası, Yapı Kredi Bank and Denizbank so that our chamber members can benefit more from the breathing loan opportunities.
Our work within the scope of the curfew;
Activity Document: We have provided our members with the document showing that they are active for the curfew restrictions applied during the pandemic, and we have prevented them from experiencing victimization.
Within the scope of the curfews due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an activity certificate was issued for more than 1,000 members to continue their activities within the scope of the circular.
Takeaway: During the restriction period, we enabled restaurants, restaurants, cafeterias and patisseries to serve with takeaway.
Technical Service and Authorized Service: Likewise, we have ensured that they are exempt from the restriction in order to provide service in the Technical Service and Authorized Services.
Swap transactions on April 24: While the curfew was imposed in 31 provinces on April 23-26, the Banks Association decided that “cash, clearing and EFT transactions can be made at bank branches in cities outside of 31 provinces”. We acted on this and as a result of our meetings with the Ministry, we helped make the decision that “Checks with a payment date of April 24th will be postponed to April 27th, if there is not enough balance in the account”.
Our efforts and lobbying activities continue for our members to receive financial support and to benefit from loans allocated under favorable conditions such as breathing loans.
We hope that the COVID-19 epidemic will be eliminated as soon as possible.