Nazilli Chamber of Commerce provides exam and certification services for the Professional Competence Certificate, which is required for all Business Owners Selling Second Hand Motor Vehicles.
The exams, which are held as a Vocational Exam, are made in two stages as theoretical and practical. Those who are successful in the exams attended by business owners selling second-hand cars and those who are considering doing this profession are entitled to receive the professional competence certificate, which replaces the mastership certificate.
Vocational Qualification Certificate exams are held at the Nazilli Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Nazilli Chamber of Commerce and the Vocational Qualification and Certification Centers MEYBEM A.Ş. As a result of this activity, which brings the Vocational Qualifications Authority Service to our members, the members of the profession do not need to leave their jobs, even if it is for a temporary period, to go to another city or region.